The Extraordinary ATCs Behind IFATCA APRM 2022
2022-10-26David Leoriz Fetalvero (Manila ACC), Renz Marione Bulseco (Davao Approach)
The Logo
THE LOGO. Since releasing the official theme of resiliency amidst adversity, Keff (KN of Davao Approach), one of PATCA's go-to artists started to conceptualize the best way to show it through the logo, knowing fully well that it is the logo that will make the first impression and will communicate what to expect on the event. After developing the overall idea, choosing the colors that reflect the official theme, picking the main font to be used, getting feedback, and numerous rough versions and revisions, the official logo came to fruition.
For the color, he used orange and red as it stands for vitality and passion, it also resembles the color of the phoenix which symbolizes resiliency and immortality.
For the hand with the plane, it resembles the profession of ATC.
The tree was inspired by a Sequoia tree, one of the most resilient trees in the world.
The different structures and places, it showcases different beautiful destinations in the Philippines.
Overall, the logo delivered to show the international delegates that the Philippine experience they will have will be one of a kind. And indeed, it was!
Aside from the logo, Keff also designed the tarps used for the different photobooths during the event. He is also the main layout artist for the designs on the Coffee Table Book that PATCA launched in the 38th IFATCA APRM. Extraordinary Indeed!
Seamless and Convenient Technology
What makes an experience exceptional is the incorporation of technology to make things seamless and convenient.
As the 38th IFATCA APRM covers countries in the Asia Pacific, one of the challenges the hosting country faced is the registration process for the international delegates. PATCA incorporated the registration into its website making it a one-stop shop for information, steps, requirements, and the actual registration, using accurate data capturing mechanisms while taking into consideration the website's aesthetics and friendly user experience.
Also, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, QR code has been widely used for numerous purposes, from identification to contact tracing. In the 38th IFATCA APRM, this was utilized for on-site registration and attendance as public health and safety among the guests and committees are of paramount importance. To still maintain and observe social distancing and to quicken the process, a scanner for QR codes was used at the registration table, deviating away from the usual manual registration using paper and pen, minimizing physical contact thus lessening the chances of spreading the virus.
That was all made possible by our in-house programmer, Hosni (HK), a Davao Approach Controller. Aside from the seamless registration process, he is also the ATC behind PATCA's website acting as its designer, developer, and administrator. Extraordinary Indeed!
Thank you Hosni, you made us proud!
Stage Design and Concept
To set the event apart from others, one of the first aspects PATCA considered is the stage design as it will set the mood of the event and relay its overall concept. It is a critical component of a successful event, bringing the vision and theme to life. PATCA tapped its finest, Mike (OM) and Albert (ZP) of Manila ACC, ATCs whose artistry was already tested and proven on previous events PATCA and ATS held.
‘Celebration’ is the whole concept of the stage design. The 38th APRM is not just any other convention as it coincides with the celebration of 100 years of Air Traffic Controllers- these two simultaneous events are what inspired the stage design. They wanted to showcase the celebration of the 100th anniversary of ATC through a distinct approach and incorporate Filipino traditions and cultures, bringing the delegates, guests, and visitors to a cultural environment through decorations the moment they enter the venue.
For the stage design, They used “pandala” and “baguiontay”. Pandala is a cultural flag and baguiontay is a round pandala from Maguindanao which are used for different occasions like wedding and festivals. It is also used for “kanduli” or thanksgiving banquet. Kanduli is a Muslim’s traditional practice of asking for blessings by preparing food for the guests.
Incorporating this concept into the stage design of the event will showcase one of our local tribe's ways of celebration. To fully implement what they envision, they all did it on their own, flying in and out of Cebu to buy materials, stitch them together, and install them on stage. Extraordinary indeed!
Trivia: The two are also great at dancing so you could easily mistake them for dance instructors. Saw the two masked dancers at our photo booth? Yes! It is the two of them.
The entire committee of the IFATCA APRM 2022 was entirely composed of the dedicated members of the Philippine Air Traffic Controllers’ Association (PATCA). We delegated the tasks to each team, and we are proud that the event was a success despite the short time to prepare for this event. Indeed, it was an opportunity for PATCA to grace and host this international event.